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Who We Are and What We Practice 

Finally, the solution to achieving peak health and fitness during menopause

The hormonal shifts occurring during menopause can profoundly impact physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being. Symptoms experienced during and after this transition vary widely from person to person. While some may experience minimal or no symptoms, others may face severe challenges that disrupt daily activities and diminish quality of life, often persisting for several years.


Understanding menopause as part of a broader life continuum is crucial. A woman's health entering the perimenopausal phase is heavily influenced by her prior health, reproductive history, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors. Disruptions caused by perimenopausal, and postmenopausal symptoms can significantly impact personal and professional spheres, while the changes accompanying menopause continue to influence a woman's health as she ages.


Hence, prioritizing perimenopausal care is vital for promoting healthy aging and enhancing overall quality of life.

Our Approach
Sharon Gayle, World Champion Pro. Competitor

Sharon Gayle. All images © Copyright protected.

Our Approach

With over twenty years of expertise in health, fitness, nutrition, weight management, and lifestyle coaching, we've worked closely with hundreds of women. Throughout our experience, one glaring truth emerged: women undergoing significant hormonal shifts during pivotal life stages—pregnancy and menopause—were often underserved by the health and fitness industry. Their unique needs were frequently overlooked.


Many of our female clients shared feelings of being unseen, unsupported, and uninformed despite their memberships at health clubs. Some invested in personal training but found their trainers ill-equipped, not having received specialized education to understand their changing bodies. There was also a prevailing misconception that maintaining fitness and nutrition during pregnancy or menopause was futile. This couldn't be further from reality!


We firmly believe that addressing the metabolic changes and phases of life is paramount to achieving optimal well-being at any age. Our mission centers on fostering thriving, holistic health rather than mere outward appearance.

Improved health and fitness have far-reaching benefits, enhancing every aspect of life and functionality. Grounded in The Goddess Alignment® philosophy that the human body is a sacred, living Temple, our approach is deeply personalized.


We are committed to educating, motivating, and equipping you with the tools to assume control of your health and wellness journey. Mitigation is the cornerstone of our approach, as we guide you through each stage and phase of menopause and beyond. As your dedicated wellness practitioner and health coach, we are here to support you in feeling and living your best.

The Need
Public health challenges related to menopause demand attention
Health Services

Perimenopausal women require access to high-quality health services and supportive communities and systems. However, in many countries, including the U.S., there are significant challenges in both awareness and access to menopause-related information and services. Menopause is often not discussed within families, communities, workplaces, and healthcare settings.


Women may not be aware that the symptoms they are experiencing are related to menopause, or that there are counseling and treatment options available to help alleviate discomfort. Those grappling with menopausal symptoms may feel hesitant or ashamed to discuss their experiences and seek support.

Provider Training

Healthcare providers may lack training to identify symptoms associated with perimenopause and post-menopause, as well as provide counseling on treatment options and maintaining health during and after the menopausal transition. Currently, menopause receives minimal emphasis in the training curricula of many healthcare workers.


Numerous governments lack health policies and financing to incorporate menopause-related diagnosis, counseling, and treatment services into their routine offerings. Addressing menopause-related needs poses a distinct challenge in settings where health funding is already stretched thin due to competing and pressing priorities.


Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy

We regard the human body, your body, as a sacred living Temple, housing the most precious of treasures — your brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver. The question then arises: How will you nurture your Temple? How will you strengthen its foundation, reinforce its walls, and safeguard its roof to protect the treasures within? How can you ensure that these treasures maintain their brilliance, resilience, and vitality?


You may choose to adorn your Temple with extravagant embellishments, clothe it in opulent fabrics, or even decorate its exterior, but without proper care, the treasures within remain vulnerable, and the Temple itself stands weakened against the passage of time.


Alternatively, you can recognize your inherent value, prioritize self-care, and commit to nurturing your Temple from within, honoring its sanctity and vitality. Through this approach, you can cultivate enduring health and vitality, allowing your Temple to flourish in its full splendor.

Mindful Meditation
Our Steps
The 5-steps to peak health.

KNOWLEDGEKnowledge indeed holds immense power and is the first step to self-empowerment. When you understand the changes taking place within your body and learn that the effects can be minimized when you know how -- how you move forward will be your choice. We inspire you to connect to yourself by providing you with the essential information you need. We provide a safe space for you to discuss your concerns, symptoms, and together we can chart a course of action. We will discuss your past and present lifestyle, your habits, to pinpoint how best to comprehensively guide you; enabling a smoother menopausal transition as you work towards peak health and fitness. 


PLAN: Once you understand the changes occurring in and to your body and have confidence in your ability to implement lifestyle adjustments for improved health, we craft a personalized health and fitness plan tailored to fit into your schedule. Our approach involves close collaboration with you to determine the optimal course of action, refining it as needed along the way. Recognizing that each individual has unique circumstances, your plan specifically addresses your health and fitness goals.



COMMITMENT: Do you believe in your ability to embark on this journey? Do you recognize the inherent worthiness of investing time and effort into nurturing and revitalizing your body? Commitment is paramount. Achieving peak health and fitness requires dedication to pursuing your goals in a sustainable and healthy manner. It is not a one-and-done journey; rather, it calls for continuous commitment and effort. The essence lies in understanding, believing in, and prioritizing yourself—carving out dedicated time for self-care. Commitment is the bedrock foundation upon which you'll rebuild your Temple. If your commitment wavers, so too will the strength of your foundation. However, rest assured; we are committed to supporting your efforts.


ACTION: Now that you have a plan in place, let's take action. While you are in control, we provide guidance through close interaction and ongoing adjustments based on your progress and feedback. You're equipped with the knowledge, you believe in yourself, you are committed, and have a detailed plan; all that's left is to stay focused. Along the journey, you may encounter obstacles, but the destination remains unchanged: peak health and vitality throughout menopause and beyond. 


MAINTAIN: You have made the decision to fortify your Temple and embrace a healthier lifestyle from the inside out. You have re-prioritized, dedicating time and energy to your well-being. Opting for a healthy and balanced lifestyle will soon become second nature to you. The Goddess Alignment® is here to help you reach each milestone via a continuous stream of support, providing you with the tools and resources you need to stay on track towards a fitter, healthier life. Every step of the way, we are here for you!
                                                                                                                                                                                   Because Your Body is a Temple!

Schedule your consultation today!

Call (202) 556-1376 or email to discuss the best options for you.
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